
Graph Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models

Data Intelligence Lab, University of Hong Kong. Baidu, Inc.


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have advanced graph structure understanding via recursive information exchange and aggregation among graph nodes. To improve model robustness, self-supervised learning (SSL) has emerged as a promising approach for data augmentation. However, existing methods for generating pre-trained graph embeddings often rely on fine-tuning with specific downstream task labels, which limits their usability in scenarios where labeled data is scarce or unavailable. To address this, our research focuses on advancing the generalization capabilities of graph models in challenging zero-shot learning scenarios. Inspired by the success of large language models (LLMs), we aim to develop a graph-oriented LLM that can achieve high generalization across diverse downstream datasets and tasks, even without any information available from the downstream graph data. In this work, we present the GraphGPT framework that aligns LLMs with graph structural knowledge with a graph instruction tuning paradigm. Our framework incorporates a text-graph grounding component to establish a connection between textual information and graph structures. Additionally, we propose a dual-stage instruction tuning paradigm, accompanied by a lightweight graph-text alignment projector. This paradigm explores self-supervised graph structural signals and task-specific graph instructions, to guide LLMs in understanding complex graph structures and improving their adaptability across different downstream tasks. Our framework is evaluated on supervised and zero-shot graph learning tasks, demonstrating superior generalization and outperforming state-of-the-art baselines.

Technical Description

• Architecture


Figure 1: The overall architecture of our proposed GraphGPT with graph instruction tuning paradigm.

  • Structural Information Encoding with Text-Graph Grounding. To enhance the understanding of graph structural information by large language models, our framework emphasizes aligning the encoding of graph structures with the natural language space. This alignment aims to enable language models to effectively comprehend and interpret the structural elements of the graph, leveraging their inherent language understanding capabilities. To achieve this objective, we introduce a text-graph grounding paradigm that generates prompts designed to preserve the graph’s structural context for language models. This paradigm acts as a bridge, connecting the semantic understanding of textual information with the inherent structural relationships found within the graph. Teaser

    Figure 2: Workflow of text-structure alignment.

  • Dual-Stage Graph Instruction Tuning. The dual-stage graph instruction tuning paradigm proposed in this work builds upon the concept of instruction tuning, which has been recently introduced to enhance the adaptability of language models for specific domains [45]. In this paradigm, we aim to align the language capacity of the model with the nuances of graph learning tasks, enabling the language model to generate more accurate and contextually appropriate responses for graph-structured data.
  • Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Distillation. When faced with diverse graph data, language models may encounter new or unfamiliar patterns and structures. This distribution shift can pose challenges in generating accurate and coherent responses, especially when the number of node classes varies across different types of graph data. To address this challenge and boost accuracy in the presence of distribution shift, it is essential to equip our GraphGPT with step-by-step reasoning abilities. In this regard, we propose utilizing the Chain-of-Thought (COT) technique [47], which explicitly models the flow of thoughts and reasoning steps. By incorporating COT, our language model improves the coherence and consistency of generated text. It enables the model to follow a logical progression of ideas, enhancing its ability to understand and reason about the given graph data.

• Instruction Design

We adopt a similar instruction template, which consists of three parts. To generate graph information for each node, we employ the same neighbor sampling approach used in the first stage. This approach ensures that relevant graph information is captured, with each node acting as the central node. For the node classification task, the human question instruction contains both the indicator token and specific text information about the central node. This instruction prompts the language model to predict the category of the central node based on both the graph structure data and the accompanying text information. An example of the instruction data for different tasks can be seen in Figure 4, providing a visual representation of how the instruction is structured and presented to the language model.


Figure 3: Our instruction designs for graph matching task (upper), node classification (middle) and link prediction (lower).

• Experiments

Overall Performance

We conduct experiments on the node classification task, evaluating both supervised and zero-shot scenarios. The overall performance is presented in Table 1. Supervised Task Settings: We train the models on a specific dataset and evaluated their performance on the corresponding test set (e.g., training on Arxiv-Arxiv and testing on the Arxiv test set). Zero-Shot Task Settings: We train the models on a specific dataset and test them on other datasets without any additional training (e.g., training on Arxiv-PubMed and testing on the PubMed dataset). To account for variations in the number of classes across different datasets, we employed a classifier trained with transfer data, typically a linear layer, when testing GNN-based models. In Table 1, "-7B-" represents the parameter scale, while "-v1.1-" and "-v1.5-" indicate different versions of the base Vicuna model. "-stage2" indicates that only the second stage tuning is adopted. "-std" and "-cot" denote the use of the standard and generated COT instruction datasets, respectively.


Figure 4: Performance comparison of various methods on node classification under both supervised and zero-shot settings.

Generalization for Multitasking Graph Learner.

we explore the generalization ability of our model by incorporating more instruction data to fine-tune the LLM for effectively handling various types of tasks.


Figure 5: Performance comparison of various instruction mixtures in supervised learning on the Arxiv dataset and the zero-shot setting on the Cora dataset for node classification.

Ablation Study

We conduct an ablation study to investigate the individual contributions of different sub-modules of our proposed framework, and the results are reported in Table 4.


Figure 6: Module ablation study under both supervised and zero-shot settings to analyze the individual contributions.

Time and Space Efficiency.

Study on the time and space efficiency of our GraphGPT during both the training and inference stages.


Figure 7: Study on the time and space efficiency of our GraphGPT during both the training and inference stages.

Model Inference Efficiency.

The study aims to assess the computational efficiency of our model during both the model training and inference stages.


Figure 8: Inference efficiency study of our GraphGPT Training Efficiency with Graph Instruction Tuning.


            title={GraphGPT: Graph Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models}, 
            author={Jiabin Tang and Yuhao Yang and Wei Wei and Lei Shi and Lixin Su and Suqi Cheng and Dawei Yin and Chao Huang},